Monday, October 7, 2013

1 Month till Blizzcon!

With one month till Blizzcon, we will soon learn about the future of the Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft and Hearthstone franchises. They always announce some unexpected products or services and I expect this year to be no different.

But in the meantime, its going to be fun to speculate and speculate we will!!

Just from basic guessing, they are going to announce the World of Warcraft expansion, go in-depth about Reaper of Souls (and maybe even dole out some beta information), announce a Hearthstone release date, and changes to the WCS system. I don't expect them to announce or discuss Legacy of the Void or Titan until next year.

We know for sure that they are going to talk about the future of World of Warcraft and the new lands that we will get to explore as players.

While I am looking forward to the story, lore and all of the information about the new questlines, etc I think that Mists of Pandaria made significant design changes to WoW that will be need to be revisited in the next expansion. Some of these were across the board, some of them are class specific and some of them are even narrower.

Over the course of the next month, I hope to express my thoughts on these subjects and the areas of improvement that I believe exist for the next expansion.

First up will be a Mists of Pandaria - Post Mortem. Here I'll review how Mists of Pandaria moved the ball forward, where it was stagnant and where it took a step backwards. Be on look out for that in the next week.

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