We all know that they are preparing to announce the next WoW expansion. Its been speculated that a recent trademark 'Warlords of Draenor' is the subtitle of the expansion.
While there have been some very speculative unconfirmed leaks concerning the backstory, nothing is really known. This gives us a chance to speculate and speculate we shall!
Let's start with Draenor. What is it? It is the original name of the world we now know as Outland. After Ner'zhul blew up the world in his nefarious plan, the name was changed to Outland to imply that it was a wasteland.
So if the next expansion will take place on Draenor, that implies that it would take place in the Warcraft 1 or 2 era.
So if the expansion takes place in the Warcraft 1 or Warcraft 2 era, how will we get there? That implies that we will travel back in time or there will be a parallel universe where Draenor was never destroyed.
What would be the purpose and role of the player in a parallel universe? Any changes wouldn't impact our original world. So what's the point?
Since a parallel universes does not appear to make sense, it can be determined that 'Warlords of Draenor' will be a time travel expansion where the player goes back in time to old Draenor.
How we go, why we go and all those fun elements, I'll leave that to Blizzard.
Since we are only a few hours away at this point; we are some quick hit things I want to see.
- Any final expansion boss but Garrosh
- Classic Warcraft characters as NPCs or raid bosses
- Redesigned Vengeance so its more equitable to all tanks.
- Redesigned Valor and rewards system
- Classic Raid Scaling
- Redesigned LFR so it the atmosphere is not as toxic
- Polish pass on Talents and Glyphs to fix some of the existing problems.