Some of you might have ended up here and wonder, why am I here? Why do I do care?
Well chances are that you found this blog from a friend or from my twitter. However you got here, thank you for reading.
So what is the purpose of my blog?
Its simple; to state clearly and plainly my opinion on a wide range of topics.
You might disagree with what I write and I'm ok with that. Everyone has a right to what they believe and should stand up for it.
I hope that you find my rants on politics or gaming or sports or technology interesting and worth your time.I generally will stick to those topics as those are what I know best and I have several passions about. If they don't interest you then I'm not sure this is a blog you want to read.
If you disagree with me on any ideas, posts, etc, let me know on twitter or in the comments. I won't heavily moderate comments (if I even can) unless they are so far off the topic that they are irrelevant to reasonable discussion.
So what might I blog about first? Since I just got into the beta for the next World of Warcraft expansion, I might use that for my first blog post. I have a bunch topics that I want to touch on. For now, I plan on playing it by ear.
Feel free to post suggestions to me on Twitter (@PennyRush) or in the comments of what topics I should write about.
P.S. I know the layout and design of the blog kind of suck. I'm working on it.
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