So... Legion is the next World of Warcraft expansion.
So far, everything about the expansion looks awesome. I'm definitely interested in learning more. Here are some of the questions that I have based on what we've told so far. What are some of yours?
Will we be getting a 12th character slot per server?
How will flying work in Legion?
Artifact Weapons:
Can we have more than one Artifact?
Can we respec our Artifact?
Will you need to max out an ability before being able to select the next one?
Will successive points in abilities cost more?
How many "ability power" will it take to max out a weapon?
Will you be adding more abilities to each weapon in future patches?
Will the selected appearance affect the available abilities of an artifact?
Are artifacts be restricted to the weapon slot?
Will Artifact quests in older content zones be scaled to level?
Is the Burning Legion in this expansion from Alternate Draenor or is it from the current timeline?
What do you plan to do with the removed abilities and mechanics from Survival? Will they be moved to Marksman?
With 1 artifact per specialization, what will happen to those specializations that can use multiple weapon types like Death Knight Frost, Warrior Fury, Brewmaster or Windwalker Monks?
What will you be doing with absorbs mechanics?
Do you have any changes planned for healer mana and efficiency?
Will Feral Druids with Claws of Shirvallah still have the updated Cat form from their artifact?
Will you be adding a new talent row for level 110?
Will there be new class abilities or passives granted during the level up process?
Order Halls:
Are the Order Halls required to level our Artifact?
What are the average length of follower missions?
How fast will the follower missions refresh?
What will be the cap on followers?
Will PvE talents still work in PvP?
Is Honor as a currency being removed?
Is Honor as a currency being removed?
What will be the reward structure for PvP outside of the talent system?