Friday, June 12, 2015

E3 2015 Wishlist !!!!!!!

E3 is such an amazing time to be a gamer. We get a flood of information on the games we have heard about for years or the pleasant surprise of seeing a franchise make a comeback or see announcements of new IP that look absolutely awesome.

Colbert sums it up best of how I feel on Tuesday afternoon when all the press conferences are over.

Predictions at this point are silly. So I thought I would put together a Wish List for what announcements I want at E3 2015. Some of these are total shots in the dark. They might never happen but one can dream!

  1. Fallout 4 Release Window
  2. Doom Release Release Window
  3. Doom beta date for the 2014 Wolfenstein Pre-Order Bonus
  4. Dishonored 2 Announcement and Release Window
  5. The Elder Scrolls Online Trial Mode

  1. Halo Master Chief Collection and Halo 5 for Windows 10
  2. Gears of War Remaster for Windows 10
  3. Perfect Dark 2 from Rare

  1. Star Wars: Battlefront Beta
  2. Mass Effect 4
  3. Mass Effect Collection HD for PS4

  1. The Division Public Beta Test
  2. Watch Dogs 2
  1. Uncharted Drake Collection Gameplay
  2. Uncharted 4 Release Date
  3. Destiny 1.5 Announcement and Release Date
  4. Grand Theft Auto Single Player DLC
  5. Red Dead Redemption HD for PS4
  6. No Man's Sky Beta Test and Release Date
  7. Project Morpheus Release Date and Lineup
  8. Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 2 Epilogue.
  9. The Order: 1886 Standalone DLC
  1. Star Fox Wii-U Release Date
  2. Solution to Amiibo Shortages in the US
  3. Pre-Order date for Wave 5a and 5b Amiibo
  4. Wave 6 Amiibo
  5. Mario Galaxy 3 for Wii-U
  6. New Smash Bros DLC
  7. New Mario Kart DLC
  8. A new F-Zero Game
  9. A new Metroid Game for 3DS
  10. A new Metroid Game for Wii-U
  11. Zelda Wii-U Update
  12. Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii-U

  1. Final Fantasy 9 HD
  2. Kingdom Hearts HD Remastered for PS4
  3. Kingdom Hearts 3